
Signing Medication Profiles


Users can review and sign patients’ Medication Profiles to ensure regulatory compliance and streamline medication management policies and operations.


To begin, navigate to the patient’s Medication Profile using the Actions menu in the Patient Chart.



In the Medication Profile, click the purple Sign Medication Profile button to review and sign.



Once clicked, you will be able to see and review Patient Information, all Active Medications, Drug Interactions, and Active Allergies for the patient before signing the Medication Profile.


At the bottom of the page, check the Medication Regimen Review Acknowledgment and click the green Sign Medication Profile button. If you do not wish to sign or you need to make corrections, click the Cancel button to return to the Medication Profile.



To view/print previously signed Medication Profiles, select the Signed Medication Profile tab. This will display a snapshot of active medications on the patient’s Medication Profile, the date each medication was signed, and who signed the profile.