
IDG Order Delivery Method

Â̲èapp Hospice now enables users to select IDG as the preferred order delivery method for physicians.

By entering and tracking physicians’ preferred delivery methods, users can encourage physicians to sign and return orders in a timely manner for seamless processes, continued compliance and optimal care delivery.

To set a physician’s preferred delivery method, users must have permission to view, add and edit physicians in Â̲èapp Hospice.

Set IDG as the Order Delivery Method for a Physician

Â̲èapp Hospice users can select IDG as the preferred delivery method for physicians who are also active users in Â̲èapp Hospice with the ability to sign orders.

To set the preferred delivery method for a physician, the physician must have one of the following credentials in their user profile:









People tab ➜ People Center ➜ Edit ➜ Information tab ➜ Credentials section

The Ability to Sign Orders checkbox must also be selected in the physician’s user profile.

To set the physician’s order delivery method to IDG, navigate to the Physicians list under the lists menu ( ).

➜ Physicians

To add IDG as the preferred delivery method for an existing physician, select Edit next to the desired physician. To add a new physician, select Add Physician at the top of the screen.

When editing/adding the physician details, select IDG as the delivery method from the Preferred Delivery Method drop-down menu.

Click Save Physician once IDG has been chosen as the preferred delivery method.

Set Order Delivery Method in Orders Management

When the preferred delivery method is IDG, approved orders will automatically flow from the QA Center to the Pending Signature screen in Orders Management.

Patients tab ➜ Orders Management ➜ Pending Signature tab

To update the delivery method for a specific order, click Update Delivery Method from the Actions menu. Select the new delivery method for the order and click Update. The delivery method will be updated and the order can then be marked as sent.

For organizations with an integration enabled such as Forcura or WorldView, orders will not flow out of Â̲èapp Hospice to Forcura or WorldView when IDG is selected as the preferred order delivery method.

Updated on 02/16/2022