
Physician-Preferred Order Delivery Methods

Â̲èapp Hospice now enables users to set preferred order delivery methods for physicians. By entering and tracking each physician’s preferred delivery method, users can encourage physicians to sign and return orders in a timely manner for seamless processes and optimal care delivery.

To set a physician’s preferred delivery method, users must have permission to view, add and edit physicians in Â̲èapp Hospice.

Physician Permissions

To give a user permission to view, add, and edit physicians, edit the user’s profile and navigate to the Permissions tab. In the Administration section, select View, Add and Edit next to the Physicians permission. Click Save to finish granting the permissions to the user.

People tab ➜ People Center ➜ Edit ➜ Permissions tab ➜ Administration ➜ Physicians ➜ View/Add/Edit ➜ Save

Set Preferred Delivery Methods for Physicians

To set the preferred delivery method for a physician, navigate to the lists menu and select Physicians.

Select Edit under Actions to enter an existing physician’s preferred order delivery method, or click Add Physician to add a new physician.

In the Preferred Delivery Method field, select Fax, Mail or Courier. Once all required details are entered, click Save Physician.

Preferred Delivery Methods in Orders Management

The Orders Management screen now displays each physician’s preferred delivery method in the Delivery Method column, so users can easily identify how orders and documents are delivered to physicians. If a delivery method has not been selected, this column will display Not Available for each order.

Users can filter orders by delivery method using the new Delivery Method filter at the top of the Orders Management screen.

The Orders Management screen will show the delivery method selected in the physician’s profile. To update the delivery method, click Update Delivery Method under Actions. Select the new delivery method and click Update. The delivery method will be updated and the order can then be marked as sent.

Updated on 11/20/2020