
Hospice Aide Visits Driven by Aide Care Plan

Â̲èapp Hospice now enables users to make hospice aide visits driven by the patient’s hospice aide care plan. Organizations can enable this feature in Company Setup to facilitate compliance with the tasks ordered in the hospice aide care plan.

Enable in Company Setup

To enable this feature, navigate to Company Setup under the Admin tab. On the Clinical tab, scroll to the Hospice Aide Care Plan section. Click Enable under Patient-Specific Hospice Aide Care Plan, and click Save to finish enabling the feature.

Admin tab ➜ Company Setup ➜ Clinical tab ➜ Hospice Aide Care Plan section ➜ Patient-Specific Hospice Aide Care Plan ➜ Enable ➜ Save

Enabling this feature will populate the Assignments section of hospice aide visits with the most recently approved aide care plan for the respective patient.

Once this feature is enabled, all future hospice aide visits will be tied to the hospice aide care plan. If a hospice aide visit is in Opened, Saved or Scheduled status when this feature is enabled, these notes will not be tied to the hospice aide care plan.

Updated on 09/08/2021