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Category \ Billing

One thing everyone in the home health industry can relate to is an environment of constant change. The Patient-Driven Groupings Model (PDGM) is only the latest example. There have been changes to ICD-10 codes and guidelines, CoPs, adjustments to the … Keep Reading
Paperless patient claims or “electronic claims” are generated and transmitted electronically to a health insurer or third-party payer for processing and payment. This transaction reduces unnecessary administrative strain, reduces claim denials and lessens the expense involved with processing and submitting … Keep Reading
Medicare reimbursement for home health providers will completely change under the Patient-Driven Groupings Model. When the new system takes effect in January 2020, it will require major adjustments to how organizations operate. A new white paper from Â̲èapp provides in-depth … Keep Reading
Claim denial rates hurt the bottom line of home healthcare businesses of every size. Every provider has had to experience denials when filing claims for both Medicare and managed care. Oftentimes, a simple mistake is to blame. The average denial … Keep Reading
Ask anyone responsible for billing or revenue cycle management at a home healthcare organization and they will tell you it is without a doubt the most frustrating part of their business. The struggle to meet the requirements of Medicare, Medicaid, … Keep Reading
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) announced the postponement of the start dates for the subsequent pre-claim review (PCR) demonstration states – Florida, Texas, Michigan, and Massachusetts. CMS announced the change after the experience in Illinois has highlighted … Keep Reading
Billing and revenue exchange is one of the biggest issues for home health agencies across the nation. Agencies without proper billing practices are facing challenges of delayed payments right now. Agencies must expertly examine and fine tune their auditing and … Keep Reading
Author: Kris Berry
Â̲èapp, an industry leader in home health management software, has released a new white paper, preparing home health agencies to use revenue cycle management to thrive throughout complex industry changes. The recent transition to the ICD-10, the focus on patient-centered … Keep Reading
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) recently sent out MLN Matters number SE1524[1], which announced a “Probe and Educate” review of claims by Medicare Administrative Contractors (MACs) for episodes starting August 1, 2015 and beyond.  This CMS mandated … Keep Reading
Marvin Javellana, co-owner of the Better Care Â̲èapp agency, explains how data from Â̲èapp and the clinicians at the agency have proved the organization’s value as a member of an Accountable Care Organization (ACO). Â̲èapp tracks key data that … Keep Reading
Home health care agencies and other providers can make judgment calls in when to use certain ICD-10 codes that in most circumstances are not meant to appear together, according to interim guidance issued Monday by the National Center for Health … Keep Reading
Editor’s note: Original article featuring Â̲èapp published on HealthcareDIVE. After years of planning, software upgrades, complaints, varying degrees of panic and numerous delays, the new generation of U.S. healthcare codes goes into effect today. “Many agencies were gearing up for the … Keep Reading

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