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Category \ Technology

Â̲èapp received some great news recently that affirms our standing as the industry’s leading technology innovator and dedication to empower healthcare organizations and professionals with the world’s best technology solutions. As a result of several successful implementations in multiple locations, … Keep Reading
I have a ‘pet peeve’ that I mention often when I speak at events. The Electronic Medical Record (EMR) was designed to assist the clinician in creating a “Point of Care” method of documentation that would improve communication among disciplines, … Keep Reading
The Patient-Driven Groupings Model is certainly the biggest change to Medicare home health reimbursement in 20 years. However, this fundamental challenge to revenue cycle management is less daunting for providers who use Â̲èapp solutions. During the recent Â̲èapp Care … Keep Reading
Medicare reimbursement for home health providers will completely change under the Patient-Driven Groupings Model. When the new system takes effect in January 2020, it will require major adjustments to how organizations operate. A new white paper from Â̲èapp provides in-depth … Keep Reading
Every day companies and organizations generate copious amounts of data. “Big data” isn’t so much about the amount of data generated, but rather, what a company or organization does with the data. In analyzing data, businesses can use those insights to save … Keep Reading
Each day more and more baby boomers reach the age where they either leave the workforce or require care in their home. Sometimes, both of those things happen at the same time, and that puts pressure on healthcare providers. Research … Keep Reading
As we begin 2018, Â̲èapp is grateful for the trust and cooperation we have received from our friends in the industry as we have worked together to deliver the best possible care to those in need. Â̲èapp is committed to … Keep Reading
Mobile devices have become ever-present in our daily lives, and it is difficult to participate fully in activities of the global economy and 21st century life without access to mobile devices. According to a 2015 mobile consumer survey by Deloitte, … Keep Reading
Many of the conveniences we enjoy today are the result of an engineer’s ability to imagine life differently and develop new, innovative solutions. Engineers are dreamers, innovators, researchers, problem solvers, inventors and creators. Engineers solve global problems such as world … Keep Reading
In its ongoing “If I Knew Then…” series, Crain’s Dallas asks executives, entrepreneurs and business leaders about mistakes that have shaped their business philosophy. Â̲èapp CTO Andrew Olowu talked with Crain’s reporter Nicholas Sakelaris about the biggest lesson he learned … Keep Reading
What’s the best path to achieving business goals? Breaking down barriers between business and IT, according to Andrew Olowu, CTO at Â̲èapp, which provides cloud-based software to the home health care industry. In an interview with The Enterprisers Project, Olowu explains how … Keep Reading
John Olajide, president and CEO of Dallas-based software company Â̲èapp, believes in the Dallas Regional Chamber’s mission of economic development, talent creation and talent attraction. Talent creation refers to educating the future workforce to be college and career ready, and … Keep Reading

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