
Mobile FAQs

Where can I learn more about the Â̲èapp Mobile App?

Click the link to learn more about or visit .

What devices support the Â̲èapp Â̲èapp mobile app?

  • The Â̲èapp Â̲èapp mobile app is compatible with Android devices (version 5 and higher) and Apple iOS devices (version 13 and higher). It is available for virtually any mobile device including phones and tablets.

Is the Â̲èapp Mobile App secure?

Yes. All information is encrypted and for your safety, you must sign in with your User ID and Password every time. If you open another app you will be prompted to enter your PIN to access your patient information again. And if someone tries to access the app without your PIN, all the data will be erased if the wrong PIN is entered FIVE times.

Is the Â̲èapp Mobile App HIPAA compliant?

Yes. The Â̲èapp Mobile App is HIPAA compliant.

How do I download the Â̲èapp Mobile App to my iPhone, iPad, Android-based smartphone or tablet?

i) Visit the Apple App Store or on your iPhone and follow the directions below:
  • Select the “Search” tab
  • Search for “Â̲èapp”
  • Tap “Â̲èapp”
  • Tap “Free”
  • Once the “Free” changes to “Install”, tap “Install” and enter your Apple ID password and push “OK”

Note: You may need to authenticate with your Apple credentials to initiate the installation.

ii) Visit Google Play or on your phone and follow the steps listed below:

  • Select the “Search” link
  • Search for “Â̲èapp”
  • Select “Install” and the app will download to your device

Does Â̲èapp support the app on a Blackberry device?

No. We do not offer our Â̲èapp Mobile app in the Blackberry App World; however, you can still use our mobile site via your device’s browser at agencycore.axxessweb.com.

How do I access the software with Â̲èapp Mobile App?

  • Once the app has downloaded to your device, sign in to your account using your Agencycore email and password. Setup your unique PIN (Personal Identification Number). Once you have completed this process you can log in and use the mobile Â̲èapp App.

Note: If you do not have your Agencycore Account information, please contact your agency.

What type of service do I need to run the mobile app?

The app will run on 3G, 4G, 5G, LTE or Wi-Fi services.

Do I need to have an account to download the Mobile App?

No. However, you must have an Â̲èapp Account to log into the app.

Can I download the app on multiple devices?

Yes. There is no limit to the number of devices you can download and install the app on.

I have multiple accounts. Can I see all of them in the Mobile App?

Yes. Once you’ve logged in, select the account you wish to view. If you only have one account, the details for that account will show up as soon as you log in.

How accurate is the information that I see in the Mobile App?

The information is real-time in the Mobile App, so it is always current.

What does the Â̲èapp Mobile App offer?

On the Â̲èapp Mobile App, you can:
  • View Account Summary
  • Manage Account Activities
  • View Upcoming, Past, and Completed Tasks
  • Add New Tasks
  • Update Task Details
  • Document Missed Visits
  • Complete Visit Notes
  • Verify Visits
  • View and Send Messages (in real time)
  • Receive push alerts Automatic messaging notification
  • Reset forgotten password

Note: Click the link to learn more about the Â̲èapp Mobile App or visit www.axxess.com.

Will all of my visits be viewable from the app?

Yes, in “My Schedule”, you can view visits from the previous week (one week past due) and the next week (one week upcoming).

Can I document a missed visit?

No, you cannot document a missed visit from the app.

Can I view my patient list from the app?

Yes, you can view the patient list from the app.

Can I complete my visit/progress notes?

Yes, you can complete skilled nurse visits within the app.

Can I schedule visit/task from the app?

Yes, go to “My Schedule”, click on Add task button, fill out the information required and the task will be created.

Can I view my schedule?

  • You can view your schedule for the past week and upcoming week from the schedule list.
  • You can view your monthly schedule from the calendar inside “My Schedule”.

Can I view my patient electronic records?

You can view some of the patient information when you open the visit verification.

Can I capture vital signs from the app?

Yes. You can capture Vital signs from the Visit Details and view them in your personal notes.

Can I take a picture of a wound from the app?

No. You can take pictures with your phone and upload them through your internet browser.

If I complete a visit in the app, will I have to re-enter it in the software?

No, visits can be fully completed in the app with the exception of wound documentation.

Can I complete an assessment from the app?

Currently, you are not able to complete an assessment in the app.

Will the app provide a mileage calculator/log?

Currently, this feature is not available.

Can I take notes for myself in the app?

Yes. Personal notes can be entered into the app.

Will I have access to the sticky notes in the app?

Yes. Sticky notes are accessible in the app.

What documents can I view/create from the app?

Any completed task can be viewed in the documents related to the task via a PDF viewer.

What is electronic visit verification?

Electronic visit verification is a documented proof of the visit, via GPS location, where the patient can verify a visit (sign electronically) on the app. The date and time of the signature are recorded.

How are visits verified?

You must be in the patient’s home to the verify visits. Within a task detail, you will click on the verify button, review the information, collect the patient’s signature and verify the visit.

Does the app verify the time and date of visits?

Yes. The Mobile App verifies the time and date of a visit.

Can I capture the patient signature?

Yes. The patient signature can be captured in the app.

Does the app have GPS?

Yes. GPS is used to verify a visit.

Can I sync the Â̲èapp Mobile App calendar with my iPhone/Android calendar?

No. The Â̲èapp Mobile App calendar does not sync with the calendar on the device.

Can I change my login password on the Â̲èapp Mobile App?

Yes. To change the password on the Mobile App, go to “My Account” and change the password you use for the app.

Can I be locked out of the mobile app for failed password attempts?

Yes, after your third invalid attempt, your access to the Mobile App will be locked. You will have to wait for 5 minutes before retrying your login credentials.

What will happen if I repeatedly enter the wrong password?

After your fifth invalid attempt to access the Mobile App, the account will be locked. In order to access the account, you will need to select “Forgot Password” to reset the password.

Does the Â̲èapp Mobile App session timeout?

Yes. The Â̲èapp Mobile App session will time out after 1 day of inactivity, or when you log in to another device.

If my device is stolen will my patient data be compromised? How can I keep it safe?

No. The patient data will not be compromised. To access any account information You are required to enter a valid Â̲èapp User ID and Password or PIN to access your account information using the Mobile App.

Can I log in to the app from multiple devices at the same time?

No. You can only be logged into one device at a time.

What if I lose my device that has Passcode enabled?

To protect your account security, we advise that you call 866-795-5990 to disable Passcode on all your devices. This will prevent others from attempting to log in to your account with your Passcode.

What happens if I forget my Passcode?

On the Passcode login screen, you can select “Forgot Passcode.” You will then be prompted to log in with your user ID and password and create a new Passcode.

If I have Passcode enabled, can I still log in with my user ID and password?

Yes, you can log in with your user ID and password at any time by clicking on “User ID Login” from the login page.

What happens if I’m trying to log in with my Passcode and enter it incorrectly too many times?

For security purposes, you will be locked out of the application after 3 failed attempts. You can call 1-866-795-5990 to talk to a customer service representative about unlocking your account.

I don’t have a smartphone. Can I still use Â̲èapp.com from my mobile device?

Yes, you can still view the Â̲èapp website from your phone’s browser if your mobile device has internet access.

What if I have a question about the app?

If you have a question about the app, please email Support at support@axxess.com or call 1-866-795-5990. For general questions, please contact Customer Service.

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