
COVID-19 Resources

The Â̲èapp team is closely monitoring developments on the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak and taking appropriate steps consistent with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and World Health Organization (WHO) recommendations to help support the health and safety of our clients and employees.

Our clients serve the population identified as most vulnerable to the coronavirus and we know that first and foremost on your mind is making sure you are taking appropriate precautions to best care for patients and staff.

This page provides links to helpful resources and best practices to use during this uncertain time. Navigate to the product-specific tabs on the left side of the screen for information on COVID-19 resources integrated throughout each platform.

Our client experience team is also ready to provide support through our Support Ticketing Center or by phone.

COVID-19 Resource Links

Survey on the Impact of Coronavirus (COVID-19) for Care at Home Organizations

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention:

World Health Organization:

National Association of Â̲èapp and Hospice:

National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization:


Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services:

Â̲èapp Agencies: CMS Flexibilities to Fight COVID-19

Financial Resources:

CARES Act Fact Sheet for Accelerated and Advance Payment

Department of Labor:

Hear From Experts

Click for blog articles on COVID-19

Click for videos and webinars on COVID-19

Downloadable Resources

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Comprehensive Guide

State-by-State COVID-19 Analysis

PPE Frequently Asked Questions

Telehealth Fact Sheet for Â̲èapp


Â̲èapp Agencies: CMS Flexibilities to Fight COVID-19

COVID-19 Handbooks

Protect your patients and employees with these easy-to-read from Â̲èapp. These comprehensive handbooks list essential facts and tips regarding COVID-19 infection.

Support your patients and employees with information on:

Recognizing signs of COVID-19 infection vs. similar viruses


How to safely care for a COVID-19 patient


Recommendations on preparing your in-home agency against infection


Safe work practices for clinical and non-clinical employee


Personal Protective Equipment

PPE Frequently Asked Questions